Collecting Electrodes For ESP

Collecting Electrodes Manufacturers For ESP

Collecting Electrodes for ESP

Collecting electrodes for ESP (plates) are the grounded components on which the dust gets collected. Collecting Electrodes can be of different profiles. Currently, we manufacture variety of Collecting Electrodes starting from 387 mm to 785 mm in width. These collecting electrodes are manufactured under our strict supervision to ensure painless and trouble-free erection and operation at site. ­­­­­­

The Lirco Engginering Pvt. Ltd. Is Collecting Electrodes Manufacturers and hold expertise in production, exporting & providing of Collecting Electrodes for around India. The variety of Collecting Electrodes we provide is made by cool roll creating process and also in adherence to international top quality standards. We provide a large number of Collecting Electrodes to deal with the variegated need of customers around the world. 

ESP Internals
Profiles currently we manufacture
Our Customers can get Collecting Electrodes from us at most reasonable costs. We are listed as one of the best Air Pollution Control Equipment Manufacturing Companies in India.
Discharge Electrodes And Collecting Plates
RPO Coated Collecting Electrode
Collecting Electrodes Manufacturers
CE with Tubular Rivets
Air Pollution Controlling Equipment Manufacturers
Collecting Electrode