Collecting Electrodes For ESP

ESP Internals

Other ESP Internals

Apart from the Collecting and Discharge Electrodes, that take up a substantial portion of the ESP, there are different sorts of internal components of an ESP which make the ESP work. ESP Internals, Electrostatic Precipitator Components Manufacturers & Suppliers in India.

The internals that we manufacture at Lirco Engineering are – GD Screens, Collecting and Discharge Suspension Systems, Rapping Systems etc.  Discharge Electrodes For ESP, Air Pollution Controlling Equipment Manufacturers.

GD Screen
Proper gas flow distribution is critical for optimum precipitator performance. Areas of high velocity can cause erosion and re-entrainment of dust from collecting surfaces or can allow gas to move through the ESP virtually untreated. To ensure a proper distribution, Gas distribution screens (GD Screens) are installed in the ESP. We manufacture GD Screens of various shapes and sizes as desired.
Air Pollution Controlling Equipment Manufacturers
Collecting And Discharge Electrode Manufacturers
Rapping Hammers
Rapping System
The purpose of rappers is to remove dust that has been collected on the ESP plates, gas turning vanes, distribution plates, and discharge electrodes. We, currently, are manufacturing the different components of falling hammer type of rapping system.
CE & DE Suspension
The Collecting and Discharge Electrodes are hung vertically inside of an ESP with the help of suspension systems. We are manufacturing the suspension systems of Collecting and Discharge Electrodes of different designs.
Collecting And Discharge Electrodes Manufacturers